Herb + Ōhm

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A Cup of Tea with Amy!

Hey Amy, why did you become an acupuncturist?

I am fueled by my dream to own and operate a business in an area that I am truly and authentically passionate about: Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and integrative healthcare. Before becoming an acupuncturist, I was a tax accountant. Yep, you heard me…. an accountant! A drastic change, right? It was. After spending five years in the corporate business world, I realized that my career was not providing me with the satisfaction that I sought in my personal and professional life. The absence of any semblance of work/life balance prevented me from making my health and well-being a priority, and I was growing old in the prime of my life! This led me on a journey towards changing my life for the better and using my business background to start a practice in an area that I was truly passionate about: TCM. Even when I was in tax, my favorite part of the job was helping, supporting and educating my peers. It was, and has always been about caring for and connecting with people in order to achieve a common goal.  Today, this goal is improving one’s quality of life by helping them to feel their best every day.   

What distinguishes you from other acupuncturists?

I am completely dedicated to the art of balanced, healthy living. I nurture the mind, body, and spirit through Chinese medicine, while recognizing the value and offerings of Western medicine.
In this way, I bridge the gap between the familiar and foreign. I appreciate the distinct advantages of Eastern and Western healing philosophies, while maintaining an optimum balance between the two and yielding the maximum benefits for my patients.

The cornerstone of my approach is based on the idea of healing from the inside out: I treat the root to treat the branch. I believe that the quality of care and support that a practitioner provides to a patient has healing capabilities. I strive to heal not only through Chinese medicine, but also through the connection I make and the time I spend with patients to show them that I care and am a true partner in their health and wellbeing.  

What do you enjoy most about your work?

I love to take the mystery out of Chinese medicine and empower patients by providing the why as well as the how to help them become an active participant and partner in their own health and renewal. I love that I am able to use a medicine that has limitless healing potential and possibilities. It is priceless to see someone who had chronic pain for years or a hacking cough for months enter my office with a big smile on their face, happy to report that the not only are feeling better, but are hopeful that acupuncture and herbal medicine can help heal them. It makes me so happy. I love to help people!

What is the biggest misconception you hear about acupuncture?

The biggest misconceptions are:

1.) that acupuncture will hurt (like a shot does at a doctor’s office) 
2.) that acupuncture doesn’t work. This is where my love to explain Traditional Chinese medicine comes in handy.

Many of these misconceptions occur because this medicine is foreign to people in the US and they have never experienced or been exposed to it. It is important for people to know that the needles we use are so tiny that many time people do not even feel them go in! If you do feel them, it is very subtle like a little pinch or bug bite. In fact, many people like the way they feel similar to how you may like when someone puts pressure on or kneads your shoulders or back when it aches. Feeling something from the experience is a good thing, not a bad thing. It tells us your body is listening. 

Also, it is important to remember that acupuncture has been around for 3000 years! It was the only medicine that existed in China at one time! Think about that….There are many studies and research that proves its efficacy. Overall, it helps to strengthen your body and increase its internal resources (pain relieving chemicals, anti-inflammatory chemicals, hormones) so that it can heal itself. It helps our bodies to function closer to 100% of their full potential in order to heal and protect us from disease.

Have a question for Amy? Just ask!